Sunday, 18 May 2008

News: Teens using marijuana to 'self medicate' for depression risk more serious mental illness - ONDCP

On Wednesday, 9 May 2008, the US Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) published its report on teenage marijuana use.

The press release makes gloomy reading:

"The new report, "Teen Marijuana Use Worsens Depression: An Analysis of Recent Data Shows 'Self-Medicating' Could Actually Make Things Worse," shows the following:

* Teens who smoke marijuana at least once a month are three times more likely to have suicidal thoughts than non-users;
* Using marijuana can cause depression and other mental illnesses;
* The percentage of depressed teens is equal to the percentage of depressed adults, but depressed teens are more likely than depressed adults to use marijuana and other illicit drugs;
* Teen girls who use marijuana daily are more likely to develop depression than girls who do not use marijuana;
* Depressed teens are also more likely than non-depressed teens to engage in other risky behaviors such as daily cigarette use and heavy alcohol use."

The Talk to Frank website is a good UK resource with lots of background information about the effects and risks of drug use.

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