Wednesday, 30 July 2008

News: Genes for schizophrenia uncovered - BBC News

Genetic mutations may increase the likelihood of schizophrenia, according to findings from three research projects published in Nature (30/7/08) and Nature Genetics. Research suggests the risk of schizophrenia is influenced by genetic make-up although scientists believe they are a long way off from really understanding the causes of the condition.

The BBC report (30/7/08) quotes Professor Michael O'Donovan of Cardiff University School of Medicine: "It's very dangerous to say never, but to me, there are so many genes involved, that the idea of predicting whether someone will develop schizophrenia doesn't seem to me very likely."

Quoted also in The Independent (31/7/08), Professor O'Donovan comments: "These findings are impressive leaps towards understanding the origins of schizophrenia. But since only a small amount of the genetic risk of schizophrenia has been accounted for, they are not ready to be applied to genetic testing, an area that has seen fierce controversy as a number of biotech companies have begun offering genetic tests for psychiatric disorders."

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