Saturday 1 November 2008

News: Binge-drinkers 'risking dementia' - BBC News

Britain could be heading for a dementia epidemic following a doubling of alcohol consumption since the 1960s, warns this BBC News article (1 November 2008).

Reporting on research published in the British Journal of Psychiatry, Alcohol-related dementia: a 21st-century silent epidemic, the BBC piece quotes Dr Susanne Sorensen, of the Alzheimer's Society: "Binge drinkers hitting the town on a Saturday night are becoming a familiar sight, but we don't yet understand how it will affect the numbers of people with dementia."

"As drinking habits change, it is vital we understand more about the relationship between alcohol and this devastating condition."

The research authors, Dr Susham Gupta and Dr James Warner, comment: "Given the neurotoxic effects of alcohol and the inexorable increase in per capita consumption, future generations may see a disproportionate increase in alcohol-related dementia."

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